Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, European Commission, ECORYS, Spyridopoulos, Kyrillos, Gerland, Eva, Linter, Anna
- Catalogue number
- KE-09-24-575-EN-N
- Citation
- European Commission: Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, Spyridopoulos, K., Gerland, E. and Linter, A., Study supporting the evaluation of EU agencies – Eurofound, Cedefop, ETF and EU-OSHA. Annex 4, EU-OSHA report , Publications Office of the European Union, 2024,
- 978-92-68-18641-1
- Pages
- 168
- Published in
- Belgium
- Themes
- Labour market — Free movement of workers , Activities of the institutions and bodies
Table of Contents
- Study supporting the evaluation of EU Agencies Eurofound Cedefop 1
- ETF and EU-OSHA 1
- VT2022015 1
- Annex 4 EU-OSHA report 1
- Study supporting the evaluation of EU Agencies Eurofound Cedefop 3
- ETF and EU-OSHA 3
- VT2022015 3
- Contents 5
- Figures 6
- Tables 9
- Acronyms 11
- 1. Introduction 13
- 1.1. Background and mission 13
- 2. General and specific objectives 15
- 3. Baseline 18
- 4. State of play 20
- 4.1. Budget and human resources 20
- 4.2. Activities outputs and results 21
- 4.3. Key challenges and external factors affecting EU- OSHAs work 26
- 5. Effectiveness 28
- 5.1. Activities outputs and results 28
- 5.1.1. RQ1 To what extent did the Agency achieve its 28
- 5.1.2. RQ4 Were there other broader achievements 52
- 5.1.3. RQ5 Which factors facilitated or hindered the 54
- 5.2. How the agencys services were used 60
- 5.2.1. RQ2 To what extent were the services of the Agency 60
- 5.2.2. RQ3 To what extent did the Agency focus its work 68
- 5.3. Adaption to recent challenges and priorities 71
- 5.3.1. RQ6 To what degree has the Agency adapted to 71
- 5.3.2. RQ7 To what degree has the Agency provided 75
- 5.4. Conclusions as to effectiveness 81
- 6. Efficiency 82
- 6.1. Agency operations 82
- 6.1.1. EQ8 To what extent were the operations of the 82
- 6.1.2. RQ10 To what extent were the internal mechanisms 91
- 6.1.3. RQ13 Were there any potential areas andor 97
- 6.2. Staffing and structure 101
- 6.2.1. RQ9 To what extent were staff resources and 101
- 6.2.2. RQ11 How efficient was the agencys governance 109
- 6.3. Efficiency in a broader context 114
- 6.3.1. RQ12 How well was the agency embedded in the 114
- 6.3.2. RQ14 To what extent do new elements e.g. ELA 116
- 6.4. Conclusions as to efficiency 117
- 7. Coherence 119
- 7.1. Inter-agency coherence 119
- 7.1.1. RQ15 To what extent were the mandates and 119
- 7.1.2. RQ16 To what extent did the four agencies work 119
- 7.1.3. Conclusion 125
- 7.2. External coherence 126
- 7.2.1. RQ17 To what extent are the agencys mandate and 128
- 7.2.2. RQ18 To what extent are the mandate and activities 136
- 7.2.3. RQ19 To what extent are the mandate and activities 140
- 7.3. Conclusions as to coherence 141
- 8. EU added value 143
- 8.1. Beneficiaries of the Agencys work 143
- 8.1.1. RQ20 What was the EU added value of the agency 143
- 8.1.2. RQ21 To which groups of stakeholders concretely 148
- 8.2. Conclusions as to EU added value 151
- 9. Relevance 152
- 9.1. Fulfilment of policy needs 152
- 9.1.1. RQ22 To what extent did the Agencys mandate 152
- 9.1.2. RQ23 To what extent are the Agencys mandate and 155
- 9.1.3. RQ24 To what extent is there a need to amend the 158
- 9.1.4. RQ25 In terms of foresight are there any future 158
- 9.2. Audit recommendations 159
- 9.2.1. RQ26 To what extent have recent audit 159
- 9.3. Conclusions as to relevance 160
- 10. Conclusions 161
- 10.1. Effectiveness 161
- 10.2. Efficiency 162
- 10.3. Coherence 162
- 10.4. EU added value 162
- 10.5. Relevance 163
- 11. Lessons learned 164
- 11.1. Effectiveness 164
- 11.2. Efficiency 164
- 11.3. Coherence 165