cover image: Unprotected unveiling gaps in the protection of Venezuelan refugees in Aruba


Unprotected unveiling gaps in the protection of Venezuelan refugees in Aruba

30 Sep 2024

Is Aruba providing sufficient protection to Venezuela asylum seekers? This report presents the findings of Amnesty International’s first research into the reality for Venezuelans seeking asylum in Aruba. Despite its obligations under international human rights treaties, Aruba faces significant challenges in providing adequate protection. This report highlights the lack of specific asylum legislation in Aruba, issues with immigration detention, and concerns over the treatment of Venezuelan asylum seekers, including children. It also explores the involvement of the Netherlands in assisting Aruba, particularly in deportation practices, raising concerns about potential violations of human rights principles. Despite improvements in the situation for asylum seekers in Aruba, Amnesty International remains deeply concerned about the overall treatment of Venezuelans seeking protection in Aruba
refugees research asylum detention migrants netherlands report
Index Number
EUR 35/8559/2024
Published in
United Kingdom

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