cover image: Rift Valley Fever Virus Exposure amongst Farmers, Farm Workers, and Veterinary Professionals in Central South Africa


Rift Valley Fever Virus Exposure amongst Farmers, Farm Workers, and Veterinary Professionals in Central South Africa

7 Feb 2019

job description on farm and the ownership of the land used by the farmer (private or communal)) were included in the model regardless of their significance in order to control for confounding. [...] The historical cumulative number of RVF cases that occurred in the study area was estimated as the product of the true seroprevalence, the number of livestock-owning households (LOHH) in the study area, and the number of employees per LOHH in the study area (2015–2016). [...] The second hotspot was located in the northeastern part of the study area which is the middle of Lejweleputswa District, in the west of Brandfordt area (Getis-Ord Gi* p < 0.05). [...] Based on seroprevalence and farm population estimates we were able to provide a conservative estimate of the cumulative number of infections that had occurred in the area in order to compare it with the number of confirmed reported cases during past outbreaks in South Africa. [...] In view of the apparent increasing morbidity and mortality associated with RVF [47], the development of a commercial vaccine that is safe for use in humans is highly recommended to permit the immunisation of people in risk occupations [55].
Published in
United States of America

