cover image: Transmission of Nipah Virus — 14 Years of Investigations in Bangladesh


Transmission of Nipah Virus — 14 Years of Investigations in Bangladesh

26 Apr 2019

The risk of infection increased with increased duration of exposure of Department of Epidemiology, Johns Hop- kins Bloomberg School of Public Health, the contacts (adjusted odds ratio for exposure of >48 hours vs. [...] A total of 35 of the 2494 Risk Factors Associated with persons who came in contact with a case patient the Reproduction Number (1.4%) probably acquired Nipah virus through In a univariable analysis, the reproduction num- person-to-person transmission. [...] Panel B shows the distribution of Nipah virus transmission trees according to the size of the tree, and Panel C shows the distribution of the number of secondary cases per Nipah virus case. [...] We also found that the odds of infection depended on the case patient number of secondary infections was associated to whom the contact was exposed (P<0.001) and with the age of the patients infected with Nipah not on the spillover event (P = 1.00). [...] In Panel A, the horizontal line represents the median, the top and bottom of the boxes represent the quartiles, and the I bars represent the range excluding outliers.


Birgit Nikolay, Henrik Salje, M. Jahangir Hossain, A.K.M. Dawlat Khan, Hossain M.S. Sazzad, Mahmudur Rahman, Peter Daszak, Ute Ströher, Juliet R.C. Pulliam, A. Marm Kilpatrick, Stuart T. Nichol, John D. Klena, Sharmin Sultana, Sayma Afroj, Stephen P. Luby, Simon Cauchemez, Emily S. Gurley

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