cover image: winds - OF CHANGE - 2021 MEDIA KIT


winds - OF CHANGE - 2021 MEDIA KIT

9 Dec 2020

aspiring and mature professionals, retirees, The cover of each issue and the accompanying and elders — as well as our sponsors, partners, article are especially designed to engage and friends — rely on Winds of Change as a younger readers and keep them engaged as multifaceted resource. [...] SAAMS was created to State is the first and only historically Black for the first three exams upon graduation, producing highly com-4 W serve as a talent pipeline to increase the college or university in the United States to petitive graduates in the field. [...] Please contact Winds of Change with Publication of the advertisement represents acceptance American Indian Science and Engineering Society any questions regarding the creation of a high- of the order. [...] Any insertion of advertising made Albuquerque, NM 87109 EMAIL: by the agency or advertiser represents an acceptance by both the agency and the advertiser of all the terms PHONE OR EMAIL CONTACT: PRODUCTION CHARGES and conditions of the rate card applicable to the issue Denise Saavedra in which the insertion is to be published. [...] are accepted and published on the representation Special rates apply for preprinted inserts, insert Failure (by the advertiser) to make the order correspond that both the advertiser and the advertising agency cards, gatefolds, and special units.
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