cover image: Priority Human Rights Topics for Fair and Equitable Labor Practices Onboard Commercial Fishing Vesse


Priority Human Rights Topics for Fair and Equitable Labor Practices Onboard Commercial Fishing Vesse

16 Mar 2019

Every commercial fishing vessel in the Alaska fisheries is required to hold the regulatory appropriate state/federal permit or license which designates allowable gear types, target framework and species and time and area of operation. [...] Industry Practice: It is in the interest of the skipper and crew to have a successful and safe fishing voyage. [...] It is the duty of the owner/skipper to provide stability instructions, emergency instructions and a safety check of all machinery and lifesaving equipment for the vessel prior to disembarking on a fishing voyage. [...] Crewmembers, specifically the chief engineer, conduct assessments of the vessel’s machine tools and equipment prior to disembarking on the fishing voyage and periodically throughout the fishing voyage, logging an instance of repair or alteration. [...] If unsafe conditions are created via fatigue and lack of watch, a hazardous condition is created, and the vessel is subject to immediate termination of the fishing voyage by the USCG and OSHA.


Riley James Smith

Published in
United States of America