cover image: Air and Space Technologies: Harnessing the Innovation Economy


Air and Space Technologies: Harnessing the Innovation Economy

8 Oct 2024

Future of the aerospace industry is Nations that capitalise on space bright, characterised by the capacity technologies today will secure their to innovate and a commitment to place in the future global economy meet the challenges of a rapidly and innovation landscape. [...] He called for more efforts to raise awareness of the importance of space technologies, both in schools and in the general public, to inspire the next generation of scientists and engineers. [...] He emphasised that the development of space technology must start at the grassroots level, beginning 14 Air and Space Technologies: Harnessing the Innovation Economy with education in schools and universities, followed by investment in R&D at research institutions, and finally, implementation of these technologies by the industry. [...] 21 Analysis Report In his Keynote Address on ‘Future of Air and Space in National Defence and the Global Innovation Economy’, Air Marshal Zahid Mehmood (Retd), Former Vice Chief of the Air Staff, Pakistan Air Force, highlighted the evolution of aerospace from a defence-centric industry to a key driver of economic growth and technological innovation. [...] He articulated the critical role of NASTP as the driving force for the Triple Helix Model, highlighting the interconnectedness of the IT, computing, and aerospace industries.
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