cover image: Place your business in an enviable position Now leasing Hendra

Place your business in an enviable position Now leasing Hendra

25 Sep 2024

2 Location Hendra Industrial Estate boasts a prime location, ranking in the top tier for accessibility to key infrastructure such as Brisbane Airport, the Port of Domestic Terminal N Brisbane, and the city’s vibrant industrial market. [...] 4 CAR PARK CAR PARK CAR PARK CAR PARK CAR PARK OAD NUDGEE R AVEN UE Y HEDL E AWNING A ADJOINING TENANCY 1,903sqm (excluded) 2 x Panel Lift Shutters 2.3m (W) x 3.6m (H) RSD Warehouse 1A WAREHOUSE 1A Area schedule* 13,695sqmMaximum Clearance – 11.3m Minimum Clearance – 7.3m Warehouse 1A AWNING A N ADJOINING TENANCY 1,903sqm (excluded) OFFICE Warehouse 13,635sqm 2 x Panel Lift Shutters2.3m (W) x 3.6m. [...] Building features 628sqm 10 2 Dedicated, 7.3-11.3m LED ESFR (approx.) on-grade covered covered high warehouse lighting sprinkler office and RSDs loading docks hardstand clearance throughout system amenities 5 CAR PARK CAR PARK CAR PARK CAR PARK CAR PARK ANNEX Height 7m-7.8m 4 x RSDs NUDGEE ROAD ANNEX Height 7m-7.8m 4 x RSDs RSD RSD RSD DGEE RO AD NU RSD RSD RSD Y AVE NUE HEDL E AWNING A ADJOINING. [...] Building features 450sqm 4 Air Additional LED Sprinkler (approx.) on-grade conditioned dedicated lighting system hardstand RSDs office set-down bays throughout and parking 6 CAR PARK CAR PARK CAR PARK CAR PARK CAR PARK DEDICATED HARDSTAND RSD 5m (W) x 5m (H) ANNEX Height 7m-7.8m 4 x RSDs NUDGEE ROAD AD NUDGEE RO RSD RSD RSD E Y AVE NU HEDL E AWNING A ADJOINING TENANCY 1,903sqm (excluded) 2 x Panel. [...] Building features 696sqm 14 2-level Dedicated, 8.3–10.8m LED ESFR office and on-grade dock/ covered high warehouse lighting sprinkler amenities RSDs warehouse hardstand clearance throughout system office 7 CAR PARK CAR PARK CAR PARK CAR PARK CAR PARK ANNEX Height 7m-7.8m 4 x RSDs NUDGEE ROAD D NUDGEE ROA RSD RSD RSD UE LEY A VEN HED Hendra Industrial Estate Warehouse 1A.
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