cover image: SOUTHVIEWS NO. 275 WWW.SOUTHCENTRE. INT @SOUTH_CENTRE 4 October 2024 - A Fair



3 Oct 2024

[2] For example, efforts in the World Trade Organization (WTO) on The tensions between trade liberalisation, the regulation the agenda item on the relationship between the Agreement on of access to and use of natural assets and biodiversity, Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) and and the expansion of IPR protection, have remained the CBD, and the review of TRIPS Article. [...] [4] The decision also establishes that benefits arising from This brings into question the application of access and the use of DSI can be monetary and non-monetary, and benefit-sharing obligations of the CBD and the Nagoya should, in particular, be used to support the Protocol in the case of access to and use of DSI, with conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity different approach. [...] In deposited.[12] The COP of the BBNJ will elaborate on the World Health Organization (WHO), in the same year, the modalities for the sharing of monetary benefits discussions began on the handling of the genetic from the utilisation of DSI, taking into account the sequence data (GSD) of influenza viruses with pandemic recommendations of an access and benefit-sharing potential under the Pandemic In. [...] The CBD COP should also consider requiring that In the interim, until the multilateral system for the fair payment be made into the global fund of a percentage and equitable sharing of benefits from the use of DSI of the net gross revenue generated from the licensing of on genetic resources is fully operational, developing intellectual property –i.e. [...] This element would be important to include for advancing equity in the design of a The final decision on the inclusion of DSI as part of the multilateral benefit-sharing system for the use of DSI on obligations of the CBD and the Nagoya Protocol is expected in November 2024.


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