We focus on how the organisation of the planning and regulatory processes affect these outcomes, as opposed to the content of the planning and regulatory scrutiny. [...] This approach illustrates how the development time for energy projects is influenced by the organisational rules of the planning/regulatory processes. [...] Having identified a timeline of infrastructural investment, we utilise a model of the Irish electricity system, known as ENGINE, to analyse the impact of several renewable energy project delay scenarios on power systems costs, carbon emissions, and electricity prices. [...] POLICY RECOMMENDATIONS As many sequential processes are involved in the delivery of energy infrastructure, a delay in one process can have a disproportionate impact on the overall timeline of delivery. [...] Policy Recommendations As many sequential processes are involved in the delivery of energy infrastructure, a delay in one process can have a disproportionate impact on the overall timeline of delivery.
- Pages
- 2
- Published in
- Ireland
Table of Contents
- Introduction 1
- Effective planning and regulatory processes ensure timely delivery of infrastructural projects, such as electricity generation and transmission systems. Decision delays can increase cost and, ultimately, reduce consumer welfare. This research shows th... 1
- methods 1
- We track hypothetical projects through the sequential steps of planning permission, grid connection, and the Renewable Electricity Support Scheme (RESS). This approach illustrates how the development time for energy projects is influenced by the organ... 1
- Findings 1
- Extended decision times on the development of new renewable electricity generation leads to higher carbon emissions in the short term, as thermal power plants must fill the gap. We investigate a number of scenarios of regulatory delay. For the analyse... 1
- Policy Recommendations 2
- As many sequential processes are involved in the delivery of energy infrastructure, a delay in one process can have a disproportionate impact on the overall timeline of delivery. Until recently, applications for grid connection or subsidy support unde... 2
- In addition, enhanced coordination between regulatory and planning authorities could aid project delivery, streamlining the entire regulatory process for large-scale energy developments. We recommend that applications for authorisations could occur in... 2