cover image: Weather shocks, economic growth and damage function for India: A varying coefficient semi-parametric approach


Weather shocks, economic growth and damage function for India: A varying coefficient semi-parametric approach

15 Oct 2024

Although the existing empirical literature, in the Indian context, has attempted to estimate the appropriate weather damage specification to capture the impact of damages due to weather shocks, these studies, however, do not shed any light on the impact of the interplay of temperature and precipitation variables on economic growth. [...] Our approach calculates the marginal effect of weather on the economic growth while adapting for regional weather features, drawing on the research on the effects of temperature and precipitation on the economic growth. [...] In contrast to them, Hypothesis 1 highlights the possibility of dependency of the impact of a temperature change (on the per capita economic growth) with the precipitation level. [...] Consequently, we calculate the following Bayes factor10 (BF) and contrast the BIC of alternative models [BIC(H1)] with the null model, which in this case is the specification with the lowest BIC [BIC(H0)]: BF ≈ e[BIC(H1)−BIC(H0)]/2 (9) The odds favouring the null model against the alternative model are obtained from the ensuing estimate of the Bayes factor. [...] 24 indicates the complexity of association of weather variables with the per capita economic growth; it offers no insight into the direction or strength of the influence of their effect on the per capita economic growth.
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