cover image: Results Report 2024 - Health and Community Systems


Results Report 2024 - Health and Community Systems

3 Oct 2024

delivery of medicines and health products; expanding and strengthening laboratory and diagnostics capacities; The Global Fund is also supporting 16 African expanding access to medical oxygen; improving countries to advance strategic planning processes surveillance systems; and strengthening digital and dialogue around human resources for health, health and health information systems. [...] and quality-assured health products and services in To support countries to strengthen supply chain systems support of the Global Fund’s 2023-2028 Strategy with and accelerate the transition toward sustainability, a focus on innovation, capacity building for regional the Global Fund invested US$202 million in 2023 and manufacturing and regional procurement, and strong is investing US$308 million i. [...] which we have awarded over US$5 billion to date to support low- and middle-income countries respond to Digital health and health information systems COVID-19, mitigate the pandemic’s impact on HIV, TB To scale our efforts to combat HIV, TB and malaria, the and malaria programs, and strengthen health systems. [...] As the emergency phase of the COVID-19 pandemic Our investments drive the use of information and waned, the Global Fund strategically adapted the focus communications technology enablers – including people, of C19RM funding to reflect countries’ evolving priorities data, artificial intelligence (AI), electricity, connectivity and to accelerate investments in health and community and digital-friend. [...] The Global Fund has made US$2.1 billion of C19RM funding available to directly strengthen health The Global Fund is one of the largest investors in digital and community systems and enhance pandemic health in low- and middle-income countries.
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