cover image: PRR 49 | September 2024 ERF Policy Research Report - Gender Equality,


PRR 49 | September 2024 ERF Policy Research Report - Gender Equality,

25 Sep 2024

The economic and institutional context of the country in This policy research report investigates the relationship addition to the size and the sector of the firms are key between gender, climate change, and the transition to drivers for the clean energy transition. [...] The transition to clean energy, gender equality, and climate change As discussed above, and in the baseline review for the broader ERF research of which this policy research The transition to clean energy and RE is key to report falls under, the global representation of women lowering emissions and addressing climate change. [...] The initiative seeks to • Committing and taking action to safeguard gender improve the recruitment and retention of women in the equality and women’s human rights at the de facto and sector and to promote women’s entrepreneurship. [...] activists from the region participated in and informed • Raising awareness about gender equality by educating the agenda of the Earth Summit (the United Nations the public and decision-makers about the importance Conference on Environment and Development) held in and merits of gender equality in the clean energy Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in 1992, especially in relation to the sector. [...] Significant determinants References of the transition to clean energy include the age of the top manager, the size of the firm, and the sector of operation.
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