cover image: The NCAER-NSE Business Expectations Survey for India - Second Quarter 2024–25

The NCAER-NSE Business Expectations Survey for India - Second Quarter 2024–25

17 Oct 2024

Similarly, the share of firms expecting their own ‘financial position of the firms will improve in next six months’ moderated from 67.4 per cent in 2024―25:Q1 to 58.0 per cent in 2024―25:Q2. [...] Business Prospects • Majority of respondents- 67.1 per cent of firms expected production to increase in the next six months and 71.5 per cent expected domestic sales to increase in the next six months in 2024–25:Q2. [...] In case of imports of raw materials, the percentage share of firms expecting these to increase have declined from 47.6 per cent in 2024–25:Q1 to 41.7 per cent in 2024–25:Q2 signalling weak domestic demand. [...] In the current round, 29.9 per cent of firms expected wages of managerial/skilled workers and 30.5 per cent of unskilled workers to rise in next six months. [...] • Percentage of firms expecting unit cost of raw materials, electricity and labour in the next six months in 2024―25:Q2 to increase were 44.2 per cent, 31.8 per cent and 30.9 per cent respectively.


Anil Kumar Sharma

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