cover image: If We Don’t Count It… It Doesn’t Count! Towards Consistent National Data Collection and Reporting on Cultural, Ethnic and Linguistic Diversity


If We Don’t Count It… It Doesn’t Count! Towards Consistent National Data Collection and Reporting on Cultural, Ethnic and Linguistic Diversity

15 Oct 2020

This issues paper outlines the critical need for consistent, comprehensive, and comparable data collection on cultural, ethnic, and linguistic diversity in Australia. The report highlights the current inadequacies in national data collection practices, particularly in areas such as healthcare, social services, and research. It recommends revisiting the Australian Bureau of Statistics' outdated Standards for Statistics on Cultural and Language Diversity and calls for the establishment of a national working group to develop and implement improved data collection methodologies. The paper underscores the importance of FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) data principles and proposes practical measures for ensuring equity in services and research that impact culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) populations. Recommendations also include mandating the collection of ethnicity data in national health systems and expanding the use of CALD indicators across government services.
data collection research cultural diversity national standards ethnic diversity linguistic diversity fair data cald healthcare data



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