cover image: Job Opportunities for Women in Displacement Settings : Gender Dimensions of Forced Displacement Operational Note (English)


Job Opportunities for Women in Displacement Settings : Gender Dimensions of Forced Displacement Operational Note (English)

16 Oct 2024

The purpose of this note is to synthesize key findings relating to women's job opportunities in displacement settings, and outline ways to overcome constraints through policy reforms and program design. The note will highlight emerging good practice from the World Bank's Refugee Window. It complements several GDFD thematic and policy notes, covering the topics of data for the analysis of the gender dimensions of forced displacement, poverty, and GBV. The broader Building the Evidence on Forced Displacement program supported research on forced displacement in education, health, jobs, and social protection (World Bank 2022a). The research on job focused on the cost-effectiveness of jobs programs, finding that capital grants tend to be more cost effective than training (Barberis, Brouwer et al. 2022).This note largely draws on the results of the GDFD research to review evidence about women's paid work in displacement settings, and outline evidence on the ways that policy reforms and program design can overcome the constraints faced by displaced women. The findings suggest that expanding economic opportunities for displaced women by, for example, offering safe and accessible education and training, reproductive health services, and affordable childcare, and lifting legal barriers for working women, can be key to addressing high rates
gender social protection post-conflict reconstruction social cohesion social development social development and protection gender and employment other fragility forced displacement world conflict and violence inclusive jobs peace operations and conflict management human development and gender population displacement population resettlement gender and economic empowerment refugees and jobs minorities and disenfranchised groups and jobs


Klugman,Jeni, Bello,Giselle Marie

Disclosure Date
Disclosure Status
Doc Name
Job Opportunities for Women in Displacement Settings : Gender Dimensions of Forced Displacement Operational Note
Product Line
Advisory Services & Analytics
Published in
United States of America
Rel Proj ID
1W-Spf: Operationalization Of The Gender Dimensions Of Forced Disp -- P179415
TF No/Name
TF0B9181-SPF: Operationalization of the gender dimensions of forced displacement
Unit Owning
People - Gender Director (HGNDR)
Version Type
Volume No

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