cover image: Salvar Vidas e Aumentar a Receita: Oportunidades Oferecidas pela Reforma dos Impostos Indiretos para Melhorar a Tributação Sobre Tabaco, Álcool, e Bebidas Açucaradas no Brasil (Portuguese)


Salvar Vidas e Aumentar a Receita: Oportunidades Oferecidas pela Reforma dos Impostos Indiretos para Melhorar a Tributação Sobre Tabaco, Álcool, e Bebidas Açucaradas no Brasil (Portuguese)

17 Oct 2024

Taxes and prices of tobacco products, alcoholic beverages, and sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) in Brazil are low compared to international peers. The ongoing landmark reform of indirect taxes (PLP 68/2024 and forthcoming Ordinary Law) provides an excellent opportunity to put in place well-designed excise taxes on tobacco, alcohol and SSBs. If well implemented, reforms of the tax structure and increases in tax rates can make them more effective at improving population health and raising additional tax revenue. Global evidence to support reforms is strong, supporting the use of well-designed and administered health taxes. Following global best practices, it is recommended that health taxes are focused on specific taxes or, when applied in mixed systems, that the specific taxes comprise a larger component of the excise tax than the ad valorem component. Tax rates, particularly for specific taxes, need to be increased significantly to align Brazil with the prices of international peers, and indexed to inflation plus three percentage points to protect real values of tax over time, and to reduce the affordability of tobacco, alcohol, and SSBs.
health public finance public health brazil poverty taxation fiscal policy diseases revenue administration tax expenditures tobacco taxes evidence-based policy nutrition and population tax and revenue policy and administration health promotion and disease prevention non-communicable disease and injury macroeconomic and structural policies public sector management tobacco use and control social determinants for health health causes and risk factors


Maldonado Vargas,Norman Danilo, Blecher,Evan Harold, Fleischhaker,Cornelius

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Doc Name
Salvar Vidas e Aumentar a Receita: Oportunidades Oferecidas pela Reforma dos Impostos Indiretos para Melhorar a Tributação Sobre Tabaco, Álcool, e Bebidas Açucaradas no Brasil
Published in
United States of America
Series Name
Global Tax Program Health Taxes Knowledge Note Series ; no. 6;
Unit Owning
Prosperity-Econ Pol-Mac/Fis-Tax (EMFTX)
Version Type
Volume No

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