cover image: Levers of Change for Regulators and - • Outside pressure works - Civil Society


Levers of Change for Regulators and - • Outside pressure works - Civil Society

3 May 2021

We heard that better understand product development inside outside pressure from negative media attention, many of the most popular and well-known social civil society, and regulators—and the fear of these games and platforms, and to evaluate the potential things—have the most impact in pushing organiza- impact of these processes and practices on the tions to change their behavior. [...] that there are likely to be terrifically Another respondent said: bad outcomes—suicides, school shootings, “I think the sad reality is I think most compa- sex trafficking, and those horrible incidents nies came to their place in investing in such are the nightmare scenario that tends to policies or efforts, because of bad press, and drive the beginning of a consideration of gripes, and unintended. [...] And one of the While public failures of companies like inBloom, benefits of that is that other companies and public relations nightmares for companies like have usually done it first and built something Facebook, seem to shift company priorities, other before us. [...] [like] identity and you’re trying to decide “Should our policies change when there is a [on a] gender drop-down menu, what’s the potential for more harm? How do we assess responsible thing for that? It depends on that harm? How do we define that harm? the org and who’s in charge and how mature So we kind of cover crisis response and a the organization is whether those types of lot of that kind of. [...] So we launched think is innocuous and then you hear from a kind of crisis response policy function on activists or the press or just the public or our team to think about how our policies look [social media] and you have a little reckoning in times of crisis and how do we identify risk and maybe the next time you’re like, ‘OK, well before it escalates into a crisis and what’s wait.
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United States of America