cover image: Annual report 2020


Annual report 2020

30 Jun 2021

Both The campaign has the theme “push decentralised structure simplifies to the inclusion of children with for global programme monitoring centres of the 20 villages of the two areas are very important to work with the boundaries”, and focuses on the the re-opening of activities and our disabilities in education in Niger. [...] SF sees innovation and interse- built the capacity of adolescents, particularly girls, to overcome Fundraising has introduced a measurement of the share In 2020, the Board of Directors has consisted of the fol- ctoral cooperation as prerequisites for economic growth and their challenges through improved self-confidence, literacy, of the private funds that goes to the organisation's purpose, lowing. [...] Participants in several of the programmes have cularly with new players from the private sector in both The Board believes that the SF has activities that are suita- at the end of 2020 of 4 men and 4 women. [...] In addition, we aim to continue working restrictions and MNOK 15.4 has been added to other pur- carried out in the SF, which includes the Kristiansand office dedicated workshops in the security area for employees in West with the poorest of the poor. [...] USD or the EUR, and since most of the income is in NOK, In 2018, the SF was certified as a member company in exchange rates play a significant role in what the SF can deli- ‘Likestilt Arbeidsliv in Agder’ (equality in working life), as a ver to its partners in the South.
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