cover image: 2 0 2 0 C L I M A T


2 0 2 0 C L I M A T

29 Jun 2021

reporting of climate finance in the context of their commitments to ensure consistent financial flows This 2020 edition was prepared by the European to the countries’ long-term, low-carbon2 and climate- Bank for Reconstruction and Development, together resilient development pathways, as established in with partners the African Development Bank, the Article 2.1(c) of the Paris Agreement. [...] FINANCE FOR ADAPTATION TO CLIMATE CHANGE The joint methodology for tracking climate change mitigation finance recognises the importance of Climate change adaptation aims to reduce the risks long-term structural changes, such as the shift to or vulnerabilities posed by climate change and to renewable energy technologies, and the modal shift increase climate resilience. [...] 12 2020 JOINT REPORT ON MULTILATERAL DEVELOPMENT BANKS’ CLIMATE FINANCE Adaptation finance Mitigation finance MDB climate finance Adaptation finance Mitigation finance MDB climate finance Adaptation finance Adaptation as a percentage of total climate finance Mitigation finance Mitigation as a percentage of total climate finance MDB climate finance Table 4. [...] The Principles establish finance tracking methodology to identify within the the parameters with which to identify and estimate development operations of MDBs those specific the volume of adaptation finance in MDB and IDFC adaptation activities (or, in other words, the operations. [...] A growing number of institutions and initiatives work The methodology is flexible about the location and on the methodologies for tracking climate adaptation form of this statement of intent in the document, finance and make increasing efforts to harmonise as long as the MDB is able to record and track the these approaches.
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Saudi Arabia

