cover image: STOP the  other NRA - Trump and the National Restaurant Association:


STOP the other NRA - Trump and the National Restaurant Association:

23 May 2017

Puzder’s appointment as Secretary of Labor would have allowed the NRA’s ascendancy into the White 2 House and the Cabinet, and the NRA was one of the few groups to lobby vociferously in favor of Puzder’s nomination, even over the objections of many of its members. [...] The Restaurant despite the restaurant industry’s continued growth in sales and em- Association of Metro Washington, DC has filed a Save Our Tip System ployment, seven of the ten lowest paid occupations in the country PAC in Washington, DC, to make the same argument.39 However, are restaurant jobs.45 Alaska, a One Wage State without a subminimum wage has the highest rate of tipping of any state in. [...] 5 STOP the other NRA OPPOSING INCREASES TO THE MINIMUM AND PAY EQUITY The NRA has been one of the most vocal and effective opponents of efforts to raise the minimum wage around the country and has devoted special energy to freezing the federal subminimum wage for tipped workers at $2.13. [...] In Pennsylvania, the Allegheny County Health Department is a dues paying member of the Pennsylvania Restaurant and Lodging Association (PRLA — the Pennsylvania arm of the NRA), donated funds to the PRLA’s Political Education Committee to educate lawmakers, and contracted with the PRLA for $63,750 per year for food protection manager certification at the same time that the trade lobby was fighting. [...] Lowering sodium intake measurably reduces blood pressure, and reduces the risk of death from stroke and coro- nary heart disease.75 ➤ The implementation of a 10% soda tax in Mexico led to a 5.5 percent reduction in the consumption of sugary beverages in the first year and a 9.7 percent reduction in the second year, which is projected to lead to 189,300 fewer incidences of type 2 diabetes, 20,400 f.
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United States of America