cover image: League executed a high-visibility, multifaceted, grassroots drive, resulting in passage by both hous


League executed a high-visibility, multifaceted, grassroots drive, resulting in passage by both hous

19 Apr 2019

Speaking The fact that we are members not only of a local in support of the organization is also advocating, League, but of a state League, and of the League i.e., for the overall cause of the organization. [...] The League of Women Voters believes responsible government should be responsive to the will of the people; government should maintain an equitable and flexible system of taxation, promote the conservation and development of natural resources in the public interest, share in the solution of economic and social problems that affect the general welfare, promote a sound economy, and adopt domestic pol. [...] dominance of special interests, affirmed support In late 2010 and again in 2012, the League and for the direct election of the President, and fought coalition partners urged the Speaker to preserve for full voting rights in Congress for the citizens of and strengthen House ethics rules and standards the District of Columbia. [...] Campaign finance reform, The League was instrumental in developing this with a focus on public financing and on closing legislation, pushing it to enactment, and remains loopholes, again was a major activity at the federal vigilant in ensuring the law is enforced and and state levels, with the goal of enhancing the role properly interpreted in the courts. [...] The 1986 Convention The 2018 convention reaffirmed the League’s affirmed that a key element of protecting the right commitment to the Campaign for Making to vote is encouraging participation in the political Democracy Work® and updated the program to process.
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United States of America