cover image: Building Bridges: The Strategic Imperative for Advancing Health Equity and


Building Bridges: The Strategic Imperative for Advancing Health Equity and

14 Jul 2020

● Achieving health equity and racial justice outcomes Racial justice would be requires a strong focus on centering the experiences, attained if racial factors (skin perspectives, and approaches of people of color in color and appearance are articulating the problems and securing solutions. [...] The ways health equity and racial justice initiatives have developed over time; their James Baldwin, author visions, perspectives, and focus; leadership and staffing; funding streams and directives; language; and theories of change have at times created tension and disconnection between the two approaches. [...] Five Strategic Opportunities to Advance Health Equity and Racial Justice Drawing upon the strengths of the fields of health equity and racial justice, we explore five practical opportunities to elevate or prioritize racial justice in health equity initiatives and strategically leverage health equity partnerships in racial justice initiatives around data collection and analysis, framing and strateg. [...] Community organizing and power building are where health equity and racial justice come together in practice: we can’t achieve health equity without racial justice, and we can’t achieve racial justice without health equity. [...] #5: Transformative Resource Investment for Racially Just A true commitment to health equity and racial justice Health Equity means realigning funds and A true commitment to health equity and racial justice means other resources to make realigning funds and other resources to make change possible change possible.


Andrea Buffa

Published in
United States of America