cover image: PI analysis of CA Gov. Newsom's Revised 2021-2022 Budget


PI analysis of CA Gov. Newsom's Revised 2021-2022 Budget

7 Jun 2021

o Office of the Surgeon General and ACEs Aware Initiative— As a part of a $1 billion investment in 2021-22 into the Children and Youth Behavioral Health Initiative, the Office of the Surgeon General will conduct a public awareness campaign on ACEs and toxic stress and develop a curriculum of trauma‑informed training specific to the education sector. [...] The May Revision includes an additional $2.3 million General Fund in 2021-22 and $2.1 million ongoing beginning in 2022-23 to provide supportive services to survivors of those killed in officer-involved shootings investigated by DOJ pursuant to AB 1506, and adds one additional investigative team in the southern region, bringing the total to four. [...] ▪ Community Care Expansion— An additional $250 million one-time federal Coronavirus Fiscal Recovery Fund (CFRF), for a total of $500 million, to the Department of Social Services for competitive grants to qualified county and tribal entities for the acquisition and rehabilitation of adult and senior care facilities for those who are homeless or at-risk of becoming homelessness and have higher leve. [...] o Youth Access to Natural and Cultural Resources— $12.7 million ongoing Cannabis Tax Fund to the Natural Resources Agency for the Youth Community Access Grant Program, which funds projects and programs that support youth access to natural and cultural resources with a focus on low-income and disadvantaged communities. [...] 11 o Language Access— $21 million over two years to improve education and outreach in communities requiring multilingual access to Employment Development Department services and programs by: ▪ Dedicating resources to translation services to create a multilingual access portal to EDD’s website and to translate forms and notices.


Vince Leus

Published in
United States of America