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slides script

25 Sep 2020

7 A e age ac e pe e iden in each need ca ego x While the County averages 3.3 acres of parkland (the size of about three football fields) per 1,000 residents, 32% of LA Co n e iden li e in high pa k need comm ni ie i h an a e age of j ac e pe e iden x A f he li e in e high pa k need a ea i h an a e age of ac e pe x In compa i on mode a e pa k need a ea ha e ac e of pa kland pe e iden lo pa k need a. [...] 2 Park Equity, Life Expectancy, and Power Building Presentation Slides Script- DRAFT 9 Production of park inequities x Unable to keep pace with acquisition of park land post-Prop 13, Los Angeles became one of largest park-poor cities in the US x Reversing park inequities is critically important, not only to eliminate the park and green space gap between the haves and have-nots in Los Angeles Count. [...] 11 New research shows that adding parks can increase life expectancy x The study used predictive modeling and built upon the work of the LA County Park Needs Assessment, which used park acreage as one of the main park metrics in de e mining need x It found that if all of the census tracts in LA County with park deficits and low tree canopy levels had an increase in park acreage up to the median fo. [...] For example: o Decision-making about all aspects of park and green space functions o Community engagement to secure input at each stage of park development o The condition and quality of park and green space infrastructure, amenities, and features o Staffing and services related to operations, maintenance, and programming 20 x Distributional equity is often the first thing people think about when. [...] x While we can learn a lot about the critical role of parks from efforts to contain the spread of the coronavirus, the shutdowns and physical-distancing requirements do not inherently change the underlying inequities or dynamics of ensuring park equity in the LA region.
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United States of America