cover image: i - GGGI Technical Report No. 36 - Identifying Good Practices in National

i - GGGI Technical Report No. 36 - Identifying Good Practices in National

4 Oct 2024

The segments expertise and experience in adaptation planning, developing NAPs of the elements in the pie-chart represents the distribution of the and implementing climate adaptation actions. [...] The research team plans to carry out results were also presented in a side event at the COP28 in UAE interviews and surveys with government staff to better understand and disseminated at the 5th Capacity Building Hub of the Paris the needs, the challenges, the opportunities and good practices of Committee Capacity-Building (PCCB) in joint collaboration with the countries’ NAPs. [...] both of the development and implementation of the adaptation As part of the NAP preparation, Fiji proposed a set-up of a NAP actions supported by having gender-balanced participation, taking Steering Committee to guide the development of the NAP and into account differences in needs, priorities, living experiences, and facilitate the discussion among stakeholders involved. [...] in Fiji, the guiding principles of the NAP stated that a wide ensuring alignment of national policies and available resources, range of climate change adaptation stakeholders shall be involved in which will help make the plan holistic and enhance its efficiency the development of the plan, especially the specific inclusion of low- and successful implementation. [...] Does the plan include a tracking system of the financing of the An example of prioritisation of adaptation action can be found in plan, either as part of the M&E framework or a separate strategy? the NAP of Burundi.

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