Social Inovation Financing - Preparing for a - Pay for Success Opportunity


Social Inovation Financing - Preparing for a - Pay for Success Opportunity

4 Apr 2013

Many thanks to the Rockefeller Foundation for generously supporting the write up of this case study, and for its long-term commitment to promoting the development of the social impact sector. [...] The United States is one of the countries with the highest rate of incarceration In the RFR, the Commonwealth projected that 11,000 per capita in the world - with 2.3 million, or 1 in 100, young people would age out of DYS and Probation in of its adults behind bars at any given time. [...] Roca chooses to focus on this group because it is the group that has most often been underserved or neglected by public and private institutions, with What is a Counterfactual? the exception of the criminal justice system, and is the group responsible for the majority of violence in Governments should pay for programs that Massachusetts’ cities. [...] According to the Crime and Justice design is developed which is able to discern Institute, “the risk principle identifies who to target the effect of the program when compared to for the most intensive of services and programming. [...] Roca and Third Sector is a practice in experimental design where assumed that, based on the information included in participants have equal likelihood of being the RFR, in the absence of a new intervention, 55% assigned to the group receiving the intervention of those young people would be incarcerated within or the non-intervention group.
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United States of America