Roca Statement on COVID-19 - 03 31 20 - For Website


Roca Statement on COVID-19 - 03 31 20 - For Website

1 Apr 2020

We are continuously working on designing and implementing the best and safest ways to support them and everyone else we work with and know – our team, our partners, our families, and our friends – in these challenging and uncertain times. [...] Due to the recent events of COVID-19, the fluidity of the ever-changing communication we are getting locally and nationally from our government officials, and the impact of closures and social distancing, Roca has been forced to make some difficult, temporary, business decisions. [...] We are being as strategic as possible to ensure the organization can meet its mission and remain viable to continue the amazing work that we do to serve young people, our partners and communities. [...] Each day in Massachusetts and Baltimore programs, we have the privilege of walking with young people who are dealing with domestic violence, child separation, court dates, street and gang violence, and poverty in addition to the ongoing impact of years or decades of trauma and racism. [...] While different, due to the lack of access to sites, use of the site, having no work crews, and even the inability to sit in a living room or door step to work individually with a young person, these times will provide us with the opportunity to review, improve and innovate our curriculum, methodology, and use of IT.
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United States of America