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Improving primary health care financing in Ghana: Efficiency and fiscal space analysis

14 Oct 2016

SSA) • Benefits abound •  Improves health care equity •  Easy access for poor and vulnerable populaJon groups •  Less pressure on higher level faciliJes •  Improves efficiency 1 14/10/16 Introduc;on (2) •  PHC faciliJes in developing countries however face daunJng challenges •  Poor faciliJes and supplies •  Lack of adequate financing • While there have been calls for increased gov’t financing, re. [...] Methods • Data: •  2015 Access, Bo_lenecks, Cost and Equity (ABCE) project conducted by •  InsJtute for Health Metrics and EvaluaJon (IHME) in collaboraJon with •  Ghana Ministry of Health (MOH), •  Ghana Heath Service (GHS), •  Ghana UNICEF office and UNICEF • Collected between 2007 and 2011 on 73 health centers 2 14/10/16 Methods (2) • Measuring efficiency •  StochasJc fronJer Analysis (SFA) was. [...] •  ‘Nopo’ DecomposiJon procedure: Public-private efficiency disparity •  EsJmates gap and decomposes into •  Explained component •  Unexplained Methods (3) • Variables • Output variable: •  OutpaJent visits (InpaJent services are mostly not available at primary level). [...] •  Input variable: •  number of personnel •  hospital beds and •  expenditure on other capital items and administraJon. [...] •  Other control variables used include •  rural/urban locaJon •  public/private facility type •  age of facility •  display of fee list and •  number of rooms available.


Pascal Ndiaye

Published in

