cover image: A Thousand Years of Irrigation in Tucson, Ancient Canals, Cienega Valley Survey Update (9-4)


A Thousand Years of Irrigation in Tucson, Ancient Canals, Cienega Valley Survey Update (9-4)

7 Jun 2010

Canal irrigation also raised the productivity of agriculture, and the population of the valley and the rest of the Tucson Basin increased from a few hundred to several thousand. [...] Between Sentinel Peak and the Rillito, on the east bank of the river, the inhabitants of the village of Oiaur also irrigated crops in the floodplain. [...] In addition to the irrigated gardens and orchards within the grounds of the Tucson visita, the Sobaipuris and Papagos living in the vicinity also irrigated fields on the river's west side. [...] law of “prior appropriation” as superceding local A Sonoran Irrigation Community The Changing Names of Tucson After Mexico gained independence from Spain in 1821, and the Santa Cruz River and new settlers began to arrive from the south, the traditional Sonoran system of irrigated agriculture was established in At the time of Spanish contact in the late seventeenth century, the Piman name for the s. [...] In 1849 Jose Maria Martinez, former comandante of the The Santa Cruz River acquired its modern name gradually Tucson presidio and a famous Apache fighter, cleared land east after 1787, when the presidio of Santa Cruz de Terrenate was of San Xavier, on the west side of the river, and cut a ditch to the relocated from the upper San Pedro Valley to Soamca.
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United States of America