cover image: Rep. Lisa Blunt Rochester (DE-AL) 1724 Longworth House Office Building Washington, DC 20515


Rep. Lisa Blunt Rochester (DE-AL) 1724 Longworth House Office Building Washington, DC 20515

14 Apr 2021

Remarkable advances in HIV treatment enable people to live near-normal lifespans when diagnosed early and provided with regular HIV care and treatment.i,ii With access to HIV treatment and other services, people with HIV can maintain suppression of HIV to undetectable levels, keeping them healthy and stopping transmission to sexual partners.iii Despite these advances, more than 38,000 people are n. [...] S.,iv,v only 62% of adults with HIV had sustained viral Disparities in HIV care and treatment are greatest among Black and Latinx Americans, who together represent 69% of new HIV diagnoses,vii and in the Southern U. [...] S., which accounts for 51% of new HIV diagnoses.viii People living with HIV managed by expert HIV clinicians have better outcomes, and yet, as more people need lifelong HIV care, the number of HIV clinicians entering the field falls well short of demand.ix,x The HELP Act would incentivize and support qualified clinicians, clinical pharmacists and dentists to enter the HIV clinical and dental workf. [...] We offer our strong support for the HELP Act to help ensure the availability of the HIV workforce necessary to eliminate barriers to HIV treatment and oral health care and to end HIV as an epidemic in the U. [...] Alliance for Positive Change Hispanic Health Network American Academy of HIV Medicine HIV Dental Alliance American Association of Public Health Dentistry HIV Medicine Association American College of Clinical Pharmacy HIV+Hepatitis Policy Institute American Dental Association Hope House of St.


Rodriguez, Jose

Published in
United States of America