cover image: People Living With HIV in U.S. Nursing Homes in the


People Living With HIV in U.S. Nursing Homes in the

20 May 2021

Direct URL citations appear in the printed text and in the HTML and PDF versions of the article at [...] A high percentage of the population (97.1%), Hypertension, anemia, and diabetes were the most however, did not receive any psychotherapy in the past common of the 24 active diagnoses, reported in 58.5%, week. [...] According to the BIMS, 66.9% of PLWH in NHs 31.6%, and 29.5% of the PLWH in NHs, respectively. [...] dress the unique needs of the PLWH population who often experience a unique intersection of the effects of chronic HIV infection, ART use, and aging. [...] Finally, patient acuity and duration of HIV infection were not available, and we did not com- Limitations pare the health of PLWH with the health of the general The findings of this study should be interpreted in the NH population.
Published in
United States of America
