cover image: BSA Work, Employment and Society 2021: Connectedness, Activism and Dignity at work in a Precarious Era


BSA Work, Employment and Society 2021: Connectedness, Activism and Dignity at work in a Precarious Era

15 Jul 2021

The aim is to reflect on how the use of graphic illustrations and multimedia interactive mapping to describe the work of five platform food workers in Manchester can contribute to addressing the opacity and alienation in the gig economy. [...] The voices and narratives of the research participants will be actively utilised throughout the paper to powerfully convey the ‘smell of the real’ (Cooper, 2009; 432) of the emotional experiences of child protection social workers. [...] The politics of working life and the many faces of meaningful work Laaser Knut, Karlsson Jan (Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus–Senftenberg) The interest of academics and policy makers in meaningful work (MW) increased significantly in the last decade and is likely to be further heightened in the light of the COVID-19 pandemic that sparks public and policy debates about the nature and f. [...] The focus of the typology is explicitly on waged work and allows an acknowledgement of the politics of working life and agents creating, defending and maintaining meaningfulness against the backdrop of the ‘contested terrain’ of the workplace. [...] Our analysis outlines a range of factors that may have shaped this process, suggesting that this was partially due to the collectivity of the experiences, the experiences of the increased visibility of family life during remote working, and the perceived change of onus to prove the impossibility of remote work on the employer.



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