This report covers the activities of the WHO Regional Office for Europe for the period 1 September 2023 to 31 August 2024. These activities are guided by the European Programme of Work, 2020–2025 – “United Action for Better Health” and the targets of the Thirteenth General Programme of Work, 2019–2025 (GPW 13). The report presents activities within the scope of each of the three pillars of the GPW 13: universal health coverage, health emergencies, and health and well-being, along with the supporting pillar of a more fit-for-purpose WHO.
- Citation
- World Health Organization. Regional Office for Europe . (2024). Report of the Regional Director: the work of the WHO Regional Office for Europe in 2023–2024. World Health Organization. Regional Office for Europe. . License: CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 IGO
- 9789289061407 (PDF) 9789289061414 (print)
- 1014-4323 (print)
- Pages
- 132
- Published in
- Switzerland
- Rights
- Rights Holder
- World Health Organization
- Rights URI
Table of Contents
- Abbreviations 6
- Foreword by the Regional Director 9
- Introduction 15
- Core priority 1: moving towards UHC 19
- Access to health care without financial hardship 21
- Access to medicines 22
- PHC 24
- Patient-centred services delivered by well-supported health and care workers 25
- Bringing quality to the heart of health care delivery 28
- Health through the life-course: from birth to healthy, active ageing 29
- Migration and health 30
- Flagship initiative: the Pan-European Mental Health Coalition 32
- Flagship initiative: Empowerment through Digital Health 34
- Flagship initiative: EIA2030 35
- Core priority 2: protecting against health emergencies 39
- Response to graded emergencies affecting the European Region 41
- Building country capacities in HEPR 50
- Core priority 3: promoting health and well-being 61
- Communicable diseases 63
- NCDs 67
- Prison health 74
- Environment, climate change and health 75
- Healthy cities 80
- Accelerated action against AMR 82
- One Health 85
- Gender, rights, equity 87
- Investment for health development 88
- Flagship initiative: Healthier behaviours: incorporating BCI 89
- Core priority 4: maintaining a fit-for-purpose WHO/Europe 93
- Supporting health leadership at the country level and being relevant for all 53 Member States 94
- Strengthening subregional and international partnerships 97
- Transforming for impact and more accountability to Member States 104
- Financial, human, administrative resources managed in an efficient, effective, results-oriented and transparent manner 114
- Past forward: learning from yesterday to power tomorrow 125