cover image: Debt Database CURRENT 09.10.2024

Debt Database CURRENT 09.10.2024

1 Nov 2024

Debt Database CURRENT 09.10.2024.xlsx COUNTRY DEBT SERVICE BURDENS 2024 Total Debt Service Debt Service as a proportion of Total Anti- as a % of as a % of as a % of Social Inequality Country Revenue Expenditure GDP Education Health Protection Spending Debt Service between 15-20% of Debt Service less than 15% of Debt Service more than 20% of Expenditure Expenditure Expenditure Afghanistan 2.12 1.20. [...] 99.75 73.32 11.40 808% 908% 2052% 354% Lebanon 40.00 16.00 5.60 178% 229% 52% 34% Lesotho 12.34 14.12 6.00 133% 118% 134% 43% Liberia 26.65 27.99 3.97 183% 257% 1637% 100% Madagascar 53.46 35.73 6.04 221% 442% 3248% 141% Malawi 115.42 57.41 13.31 394% 728% 5520% 244% Malaysia 59.08 46.04 8.80 233% 424% 271% 97% Maldives 62.29 42.60 17.96 393% 406% 445% 138% Mali 51.21 46.52 10.84 245% 868% 1796% 1. [...] Kitts and Nevis 42.60 41.31 16.40 St. [...] Lucia 90.47 76.86 18.40 613% 766% 1817% 287% St. [...] Vincent and the Grenadines 26.25 18.87 6.95 147% 172% 133% 50% Sudan 11.83 10.00 0.39 Suriname 34.59 33.03 8.80 Tajikistan 8.94 8.19 2.43 44% 104% 65% 21% Tanzania 48.66 40.63 8.20 303% 740% 751% 167% Thailand 61.25 46.93 12.50 418% 322% 231% 102% The Gambia 128.75 73.82 16.83 616% 775% 5592% 323% Timor-Leste 3.40 1.40 1.24 19% 29% 20% 7% Togo 44.97 31.76 7.60 221% 457% 17643% 148% Tonga 17.08 11..
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