cover image: EDITORIAL - COVID-19 in long-term care facilities in South Africa: No time for complacency


EDITORIAL - COVID-19 in long-term care facilities in South Africa: No time for complacency

4 Sep 2020

causal link is unclear at present and may be due to a variety of The residents and staff of care facilities are a vulnerable group in biological and environmental factors. [...] Difficulties with adhering the COVID-19 pandemic, and surveillance has revealed that 10% of to frequent handwashing and physical distancing as well as poor residents and 12% of staff have acquired the disease in 19 facilities. [...] that include training and protocols around environmental cleaning Much work has already been done in SA to develop guidelines for and disinfection, personal hygiene and respiratory etiquette, PPE, preventing and managing COVID-19 in long-term care facilities,[10] waste disposal, staff travel, physical distancing, risk identification and to describe the impact of COVID-19 on long-term care and fami. [...] There are estimated to be 1 150 residential care homes for the elderly and 1 000 private long-term care facilities for older persons in Early identification of cases: SA.[7] The availability of long-term care facilities reflects urban-rural • Test residents and staff who display symptoms and ensure rapid and historical racial divides, most are managed by non-governmental turnaround times (<24 hour. [...] (Owing to and faith-based organisations, and the standard of care in these low test capacity and long turnaround times, regular testing for facilities is highly variable.[7] In collaboration with the national asymptomatic individuals without known or suspected SARS- departments of Health and Social Development, a cohort of care CoV-2 exposure for early identification in special settings is not fac.
Published in
South Africa