cover image: IMPACT - 2018 ANNUAL REPORT A YEAR IN REVIEW - Thank you for being a part of the


IMPACT - 2018 ANNUAL REPORT A YEAR IN REVIEW - Thank you for being a part of the

9 Aug 2019

CALLING THE NUMBERS Taking Care of Our Own is a two-way street, and times they’ve been known to up the stakes, MPTF is very adept at providing a wide variety of offer up some gobsmacking prizes, and really get creative ways for our industry workforce to give the hearts of the bingo players going. [...] Berry was you make.” If you made for this role! are an industry member and are not currently giving of your time and would like to better under- Sometimes a company like Endeavor will load up a stand the concept of “who really gets more out of bus with agents and staff for a day of service and the experience,” Bingo Berry encourages every- (their favorite cause) visit the bingo group on the one to. [...] lady.” She was a Navy WAVE (Women Accepted for Naomi adds poignantly, “I still get cards and Volunteer Emergency Service), a notable branch of emails from people we helped years ago.” 22 M P T F 2 0 1 8 A N N UA L R E P O RT M P T F 2 0 1 8 A N N UA L R E P O RT 23 N E X T G E N THE LEADERS OF TOMORROW “I took a tour of the MPTF campus after a publicist The fact is, helping a person in need is rar. [...] 24 M P T F 2 0 1 8 A N N UA L R E P O RT M P T F 2 0 1 8 A N N UA L R E P O RT 25 D O N O R S Every year, each of the following individuals and organizations must answer one question: Will I/we truly participate tangibly in the life of this organization and its mission? After taking stock of our meaningful and often life-changing work in the community, we are not only thankful for the validation,. [...] Bridges John and Jody Philbrick The Apatow-Mann Sherman Brown Billy Ray of taking care of our entertainment community in living and aging well, with dignity and purpose, Family Foundation Lauren Shuler Donner and Ginna and George Schenck and supporting each other in times of need.
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