cover image: BYLAWS AMERICAN INDIAN SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING SOCIETY Last Updated January 2021 (Additional Updates in Progress)


BYLAWS AMERICAN INDIAN SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING SOCIETY Last Updated January 2021 (Additional Updates in Progress)

1 May 2021

Secret letter ballots shall be mailed to the office of the CEO of AISES for the determination of the eligibility of the Voter and counting of the ballots by the appointed election inspectors. [...] The Chair of the Board of Directors will appoint the Chair of each committee from the members of the Board of Directors. [...] The Chair of the Board of Directors will appoint the Chair of each committee from the members of the Board of Directors. [...] ARTICLE V – ADVISORY COUNCILS Section 1 – Council of Elders The Council of Elders is nominated to and appointed by the Board of Directors and accountable to the Board of Directors for the purpose of cultural guidance to the AISES family as a whole. [...] Authorization - The Board of Directors of AISES may authorize the formation of Tribal Chapters upon the filing of a written petition of at least one AISES Member of good standing and member of the tribe.


Sarah EchoHawk

Published in
United States of America
