cover image: The American Indian Science and Engineering Society Professional Chapter Handbook


The American Indian Science and Engineering Society Professional Chapter Handbook

22 Sep 2020

In view of the high dropout rates and low college enrollment and graduation rates of American Indians compared with all other ethnic groups in the United States, and the severe under-representation of American Indians in the science and engineering fields, Native professionals resolved to create an organization that would identify and remove the barriers to academic success for Native students. [...] AISES values and respects the rights and privileges of others and asks that you honor the AISES organization, its mission, and the family of AISES by adhering to this Code of Conduct. [...] Opportunities for AISES Professional Chapters and Members AISES Professional Chapter Awards Program Professional Chapter Awards The Professional Chapter Awards Program is modeled after the Professional of the Year Awards, with two categories chapters will be considered based on the following: Impact to the AISES mission, Community Service, Professional Development, and Innovative Chapter activitie. [...] In addition, the TNAC also works to assist AISES in creating opportunities for Tribal Nations and their citizens, and to support the AISES’ mission of AISES Professional Chapter Handbook 15 substantially increasing the representation of Indigenous Peoples of North America in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math. [...] Goals of the Leadership Summit • Enhance the skill, talent, and knowledge of AISES members in various career development paths and career ladders AISES Professional Chapter Handbook 22 • Develop AISES professional members as role models for the AISES college and graduate students • Provide AISES members with support and build their confidence to transition into the STEM workforce • Provide an envi.


Monique Tulley-Bahe

Published in
United States of America