cover image: Ecological Knowledge System (EKS)

Ecological Knowledge System (EKS)

6 Nov 2024

The EKS is a partnership between the CSIRO and Australian Government to establish a transparent and authoritative source of information and biodiversity assessment capability for the Nature Repair Market. [...] The NFF supports the development of a transparent information source and biodiversity assessment capability for the Nature Repair Market that is aligned to support a range of market methodologies. [...] EKS Governance Framework The NFF is supportive of the development of a EKS Governance Framework that outlines clear principles and policies to guide the implementation of the EKS including ongoing improvements (through feedback). [...] NFF seek clarification on the necessity for the Governance Framework to be aligned with a First Nations Framework exclusive or in isolation to guide the interaction of Indigenous knowledge and values with the EKS, particularly as the latter has not yet been developed or shared for initial scoping and framing with public or industry. [...] The Summary Report document mentions that biodiversity persistence will be assessed as a function of the change in ecosystem condition expected at project level, the contribution of the project to enhancing connectivity across the broader landscape, and the conservation significance of the ecosystem type.


Adrienne Ryan

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