cover image: Final Report - National Security Commission on Artificial Intelligence


Final Report - National Security Commission on Artificial Intelligence

28 Feb 2021

We want the men and women in national security departments and agencies to have access to the best technology in the world to defend themselves and us, and to protect our interests and those of our allies and partners. [...] We need those leaders in the Pentagon and across the Federal Government to build the technical infrastructure and connect ideas and experimentation to new concepts and operations. [...] The United States must work hand-in- hand with allies and partners to promote the use of emerging technologies to strengthen democratic norms and values, coordinate policies and investments to advance global adoption of digital infrastructure and technologies, defend the integrity of international technical standards, cooperate to advance AI innovation, and share practices and resources to defend. [...] p 14 P R E F A C E Preface The National Security Commission on Artificial Intelligence’s (NSCAI) task is to make recommendations to the President and Congress to “advance the development of artificial intelligence [AI], machine learning, and associated technologies to comprehensively address the national security and defense needs of the United States.” In establishing the Commission, Section 1051. [...] For the remaining life of the Commission, our work will focus on implementation to help the President and Congress make the investments and take the actions recommended to win the AI era.
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