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Report of Activities 2016 ›

11 May 2017

In the wall painting of the flotilla, found in Akrotiri, similar structures were depicted on the stern of the ship, with male figures in their interior, leading to the conclusion that these were the so-called “ikrio”, the quarters of the ship’s captain. [...] 47 ARTS & CULTURE 1st Meeting of the Informal Working Group, within the framework of the Subsidiary Committee of the 1970 International UNESCO Convention MINISTRY OF CULTURE AND SPORTS The Foundation funded the first meeting of Furthermore, they focused on the standardi- the informal working group (Informal Re- sation and homogenisation of procedures for flection Group), within the framework of th. [...] Additionally, the results of the Convention (on the Means of Prohibiting meeting between the Auxiliary Committee and and Preventing the Illicit Import, Export and the Union of French Auction Houses that took Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property), place in Paris (March 30, 2015) under the aus- which took place on the weekend of June pices of UNESCO, were discussed extensively. [...] The aim of the unit accommodation and care for patients in is to provide palliative services and end- an environment combining the security of of-life care, free of charge, at home or at the hospital, the comfort of a hotel and the Center for Day Care and Occupational the warmth of a home. [...] The museum’s collection tells training in digital skills and capabilities, in the the history of the ship itself, the passenger context of the policies and practices being ferry “Neraida”, one of the legendary vessels of adopted as part of the European cultural Greek coastal shipping that sailed the Argosa- agenda.
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