cover image: Ongoing Investigations at the Gila River Farm Site - Devlin Lewis (University of Arizona) and Leslie D. Aragon (Archaeology Southwest, University of Arizona) Introduction


Ongoing Investigations at the Gila River Farm Site - Devlin Lewis (University of Arizona) and Leslie D. Aragon (Archaeology Southwest, University of Arizona) Introduction

5 Apr 2019

Aragon (Archaeology Southwest, University of Arizona) Introduction Excavations of the 400s room block During the summers of 2016 – 2018, revealed a room with hundreds of fish Archaeology Southwest and the University of bones. [...] The 200s room block to the north has been heavily disturbed, and our excavations One surprising thing from our excavations was have focused on the two southern room Although most of the architecture was not visible from the surface, our excavations revealed large the discovery of a long and continuous wall blocks. [...] The extent of the wall was only within an area that was formerly an fully revealed during the final days of the 2018 agricultural field, which has been leveled and Left: Close up of a field season. [...] One bowl’s rim is Excavations at the Gila River Farm Site have observable but the other is still buried revealed a complex Salado settlement that Above: Photo of the wall from the 400s room differs from others in the area. [...] It was the merging of the Kayenta traditions into the already established Mogollon culture that has manifested itself materially into New Mexico Nature Conservancy The Davises, our hosts in Cliff Left: A sketch map of the Gila River Farm Site from the original 1983 survey.


Devlin Lewis

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United States of America