cover image: Cotton Among The Hohokam: Comparisons Between The Core and Northern Periphery Matthew R. Steber


Cotton Among The Hohokam: Comparisons Between The Core and Northern Periphery Matthew R. Steber

5 Apr 2019

Steber, Arizona State University Introduction Data and Methods Results Manufacturing cotton textiles requires the processing of fibers, an The relationship between the To evaluate the relative Spatial and temporal trends are considered in the comparison of the activity which can be represented in the archaeological record. [...] The ratio of 1 spindle whorl to • Cotton processing in the Cave Creek area is greatest near the Periphery. [...] • The highest amount of cotton processing on the Salt River can be were considered in the research design: and the Northern Periphery is Five pieces of data were used found near the terminus of irrigation canals. [...] The Las Colinas inconsistent spatial pattern indicates that the amount of cotton processing in 10 the Northern Periphery is not determined by the distance from the Core area. [...] While the availability of fertile soil in the Northern Periphery is lower Veres in comparison to the Core, studies on the prehistoric land 5 Generally in the Preclassic and Classic periods, the processing of cotton Pueblo Salado Pueblo Grandeproductivity could clarify whether sufficient resources were available Casa BuenaKCCF Towers0 Spur Cross Grand Canal RuinsLa Plaza Fort McDowell appears to in.


Matt Steber

Published in
United States of America