cover image: We are here, but are we queer? - A bricolage of the experiences of LGBTQ refugees in Linköping,


We are here, but are we queer? - A bricolage of the experiences of LGBTQ refugees in Linköping,

24 Sep 2018

I argue that the use of collage has many benefits and that the use of the collage method in this thesis has enriched the research. [...] In a report by Newcomers Youth (2017), which features a survey of the situation of LGBTQ children and youth in the asylum process, this credibility assessment is noted to be one of the biggest problems in LGBTQ asylum cases, in the sense that the public counsels in the study identify it as the biggest reason for denying an asylum claim. [...] In the analysis, I mainly use the English translations of the Swedish phrases used in the collages, unless the Swedish term is relevant in the analysis. [...] 21 Introducing the concept of bricolage and the bricoleur into academia, Lévi-Strauss (1968) distinguishes between two modes of acquiring knowledge, the one of the engineer, and the one of the ‘bricoleur’. [...] In addition, I discuss some of my personal experiences as a volunteer, both in a narrative form at the beginning of various parts of the analysis, and in the analysis, itself.


Sacha Bogaers

Published in
