Three key steps were taken in the beginning: first, SNG consulted with the provincial administration to explain the concept and ensure their ownership and authorisation; second, the team engaged with local government to understand context specific SWM challenges, and officers’ expectations; third, SNG collected and analysed data to design targeted interventions through needs assessments and waste. [...] Working across the ownership, and the potential for additional resources to fill policy cycle provides a comprehensive perspective of the financing gaps and support scale-up, including to other local activities required to achieve results, and enables the team governments, in the event of successful piloting. [...] Activities and alongside the different tiers of government throughout the the nature and level of support differed for each LG, and policy cycle was critical to ensure relevance and ownership, the process was not always linear. [...] around the need to conceive of the solid waste issue in its entirety and find an integrated solution, rather than to try to This involved analysing and responding to the evolving fix it piecemeal. [...] on SWM issues has led to the adoption of domestic waste Replication of the end-to-end support pilot is now envisaged segregation prior to its collection by sanitary workers, in Lahore and Sialkot in Punjab, and has started in Haripur increasing the overall efficiency of SWM operations.
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- Pages
- 8
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- United Kingdom
Table of Contents
- Executive summary 1
- The problem How can technical assistance TA best improve service delivery 2
- SNGs solution End-to-end policy cycle support pilots 3
- The strategic approach 4
- Beginning with the problem rather than the solution 4
- Working hand-in-hand with govern ment throughout the policy cycle 4
- Remaining flexible and responsive 5
- Embedding experts as long-term facilitators of change to build local capacity 5
- Early results 6
- Lessons learned 6
- Choose pilot localities wisely 6
- Build strong working relationships with government counterparts at all levels 6
- Build strong linkages with communities and the private sector to leverage resources 7
- Use cost recovery even if partially to build ownership and accountability 7
- Communicate widely about results to promote continued progress and scaling 7
- Oxford Policy Management enables low- and middle-income governments to bring about sustainable positive change using analytical and practical policy advice. 8
- Find out more 8
- About us 8
- Policy recommendations 8
- Conclusion 8
- References 8