The objective of this paper is to develop guidance for host countries on assessing and choosing their approach to participation in Cooperative Approaches of Article 6 of the Paris Agreement. The main audience is government officials in charge of Article 6 in potential host countries. Decisions on Article 6 engagement for host countries could happen on three levels: high-level (“strategic”): the overall decision on whether to participate. This answers the question, “under what conditions would it be beneficial to participate in Article 6?”; mid-level (“tactical”): the overall decision on how to participate. This would address key considerations for host countries once they have decided to participate in Article 6, both to minimize risks and to maximize opportunities (for example, using international versus domestic standards, bilateral versus multi-lateral cooperation, detailed approaches to minimizing overselling risks)?"; and low-level (“operational/technical”): the choices on implementing the various strategic and tactical decisions. This answers the question, “what specific tools, practices and steps are necessary to participate?” (for example, choice of registry, detailed project cycle, requirements to ensure environmental integrity, options for reporting). This paper addresses the first two levels only, while the operational decisions will be addressed in other Article 6 Approach Papers and related guidance.
- Disclosure Date
- 2024/11/06
- Disclosure Status
- Disclosed
- Doc Name
- Elaboración de una Estrategia del Artículo 6 para los Países Anfitriones
- Pages
- 21
- Published in
- United States of America
- Series Name
- Article 6 Approach Paper Series; ;
- Unit Owning
- Planet -CCG-Finance Mobilization (SCCFM)
- Version Type
- Final
- Volume No
- 1
Table of Contents
- Elaboración de una estrategia del artículo 6 para los países anfitriones 1
- Índice 3
- Resumen 1 3
- 1. Introducción 2 3
- 2. Contexto Créditos en virtud del Acuerdo de París 3 3
- 3. Cuestiones estratégicas Riesgos y oportunidades 5 3
- 4. Cuestiones tácticas 10 3
- 5. Pasos para la elaboración de una estrategia 14 3
- Agradecimientos 4
- Elaboración de una estrategia del artículo 6 para los países anfitriones 5
- Resumen 5
- 1. Introducción 6
- 2. Contexto Créditos en virtud del Acuerdo de París 7
- 3. Cuestiones estratégicas Riesgos y oportunidades 9
- 4. Cuestiones tácticas 14
- 5. Pasos para la elaboración de una estrategia 18