cover image: 光鹽社 Light and Salt Association 癌友關懷網 - Cancer Support Network


光鹽社 Light and Salt Association 癌友關懷網 - Cancer Support Network

7 Dec 2019

If you are 免費中英文癌症資訊,及書籍 willing to join us, please check the following items Free cancer-related educational materials Cancer Support and return this card, we will contact you as soon as possible, thank you! 倡導癌症篩檢和早機期發構現 Network Promote cancer screening and early detection 我願意捐獻$__________ 支持癌症關。支票抬頭請 乳房攝影 寫 “Light and Salt Association”,捐款可抵稅。 Mammogram screenings (Please write your check. [...] Currently, LSA pro- ings, telephone care, house and hospital visits, vides the following on-going programs: Cancer 光鹽社的成立是緣自聖經教導﹕「你們是世上的 service referrals, and transportation and language Support Network, Special Needs Caring Center, 鹽…你們是世上的光 」 馬太 。自 assistance. [...] 小組、和冬衣捐助。此外,光鹽社也動員華人社 In 2001, the Light and Salt Cancer Support 區和教會為自然災害的受害者籌集救災資金。 Network (LSCSN) was established to help Chi- 免費中英文抗癌資訊 這些自然災害如 2005發生在美國路易斯那州的 nese cancer patients, their families and their friends 颶風卡特里娜, 年發生在中國四川的汶川 better understand and cope with cancer. [...] The LSCSN provides culturally Provide free Chinese and English educational ma- 在德州的颶風哈維等。 appropriate support to ease Chinese cancer pa- terials for cancer patients, survivors, family mem- bers and the general public. [...] In 2007, LSA established 後,經常驚慌恐懼不知所措,且因文化及語言上 the first breast cancer support program provides 資訊媒體中心 的障礙,華人癌友無法直接從美國主流社會所辦 psychosocial support to women diagnosed with Information and Media Cen- 的癌友互助小組中獲得實質幫助,因此光鹽社成 breast cancer through monthly support group ter 立癌友關懷網,希望藉此關懷網,讓華人癌友 meetings and one-on-one peer support.



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United States of America