Microsoft Word - Hsp70 Blazeman Sept 2016.doc Department of Neurobiology and Anatomy September 1, 2016 Dear Mary Ann, Bob, and all Blazeman Warriors: As you are aware, our lab at Wake Forest has determined that injections of a particular type of protein called heat shock protein (Hsp) 70 may benefit ALS s. [...] However, with support from the Blazeman Foundation for the past several years, we have developed a way to reliably and reproducibly produce the protein. [...] In addition, our results with activity assays indicate that our in house protein’s activity is 30% greater than commercially available protein, or protein we made initially before making final modifications to the production protocol. [...] Knowing which patients have this genetic difference will allow physicians to identify patients for whom IL- ‐6 blocking- ‐therapies will be most effective. [...] The project includes an MD/PhD Student who is well on her way to becoming a future ALS investigator.
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- 2
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- United States of America