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Manhattan Institute's President's Update | Summer 2018

21 Jun 2018

Smith Fellow and author of assumption and called for a holistic rethinking the 2016 bestseller The War on of the K–12 education system—and, specifically, Cops, has her next book coming the place of vocational education within it. [...] In The Diversity Delusion, that Cass will present in Mac Donald warns of the consequences of his forthcom ing book, these trends for higher education and society at slated for publication in large, and she calls for a return to the authors, November, The Once and composers, and artists who have long inspired Future Worker: A Vision the best in us and who help us discover our for the Renewal of Wor. [...] blistering New York Post editorial, “De Blasio Is Trying to Kill NYC’s Charter Schools.” Eva Moskowitz, CEO of Success Academy A city that has been a national leader Charter Schools, one of the most impressive in developing new models of vocational charter networks in the nation, discussed education happens to be New York, MI’s the importance of colocation and her battles hometown. [...] hiring of Ray Domanico as our new education The crisis of work is perhaps most acute policy director, MI intends to bring new in the eastern heartland, a swath of America research to bear on K–12 education and how that begins in Louisiana and Mississippi and school choice can help improve learning extends north through Michigan and western outcomes, particularly among economically New York State. [...] This coming fall, MI intends to build Yet as senior fellow Mark Mills argued in on these ideas through the sponsorship of his latest book, Work in the Age of Robots, a major conference, “The New American published by Encounter, such fears about Heartland.” Our plan is to convene this event the effects of technology on employment— in the Midwest, inviting policy experts and and hence the proposed U.
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